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Gifted and Talented

Kelly King, GT

Kelly King
Gifted and Talented Services Specialist

  GT Service Model Students identified as Gifted & Talented in Grades K-6 are clustered within their homerooms in the General Education setting. Homeroom teachers who have received 30 hours of Gifted and Talented professional development differentiate instruction to ensure appropriately challenging learning opportunities within the content area and employ strategies such as flexible pacing and grouping, tiered instruction, and extension activities. Differentiated instruction in the General Education classroom is the cornerstone of all Gifted & Talented services provided to identified students in Keller ISD.  
The campus GT Specialist meets with Gifted & Talented students weekly during Excel to provide activities designed to address the unique learning and social-emotional needs of gifted students. GT Specialists facilitate the growth of students as independent, self-directed learners, with the development of skills, concepts, and positive attitudes within the cognitive, emotional, and social domains. Campus GT Specialists support General Education classroom teachers with the implementation of instructional strategies in the content areas.  
How to Refer a Student for a GT Assessment Students can be referred for a GT assessment anytime during the school year. Referrals submitted by April 1st will be processed for assessment by the end of the school year. Students referred for services after April 1st will be assessed at the beginning of the next school year.  A teacher or administrator, parent, student, or community member may refer a student for Gifted and Talented Services.  Please see the following website for some things to consider before you refer a student for a GT assessment:
If you are interested in having your child assessed for GT services, please complete and submit the online referral.  Students are assessed for eligibility of Gifted and Talented Services at the campus level. Quantitative and qualitative measures are used to determine eligibility. Measures may include, but are not limited to, the following when applicable:  Kingore Observation Inventory (KOI), Parent Inventory, Teacher Inventory, Student Portfolio, Student Interview, Academic Aptitude, Achievement & Assessment Data, or Grade Reports/Classroom Performance   Gifted and Talented Services are determined by a campus Admission, Review, and Exit (A.R.E) Committee comprised of at least three local district or campus educators who have received training in the nature and needs of gifted students and who have met and reviewed the individual student data.  
Gifted and Talented Transfer Students When a student identified as gifted by a previous school district enrolls in Keller ISD, the A.R.E. committee shall review the student's records to determine if Keller ISD GT Services are appropriate. Previous identification for Gifted and Talented Services does not guarantee identification for services in Keller ISD.  At the time of enrollment, transfer students should present appropriate GT information from the previous program to the campus registrar and/or GT Specialist. The A.R.E. Committee will determine if the data submitted from the prior school meets the requirements for entrance into the KISD GT program or if there is a need for more information and assessments.   
Notification of Identification for GT Services Parents and students are notified of identification and service decisions in writing. Participation in GT services is voluntary. Written permission of the parent is required for a student to be assessed and receive GT services. If the A.R.E. Committee determines that the student does not demonstrate a need for Gifted and Talented services, the student may re-assess the following school year.